Configure the sender name of an automatically sent email

It is possible to set the sender name of an email sent automatically when running a process.

To configure the item with this feature, follow these steps:

  1. In the Process Editor, enable process automation.
  2. Select the message sending item (task or event) and go to the “properties” tab.
  3. In the “execution” section, select “mail” in the “Connector” section.
  4. Put the name of the desired sender in the “Sender name” field.

From now on, the information provided will determine the name of the sender of this message when it is sent during the execution of the process.

For your information: If you left the “Sender name” field empty, then the system will use the default information, which is the name of the participant definition of the lane that contains the task or message type event.

To find out more about configuring automatic message sending: Sending Emails.

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