BPMN overview

What does BPMN mean?

BPMN – Business Process Model and Notation, is a notation that illustrates processes in a simple and clear way, designed for managers, technical professionals, analysts, developers and people who work in the process.

The BPMN notation has a wide set of elements and to facilitate understanding we have divided them into categories, which you can check below.

Element categories

Flow elements: Tasks, Events and Gateways

These are the main elements of a BPMN diagram and serve to describe the logic of your process.

  • Tasks define actions that must be performed in the process. learn more about Tasks.
  • Events define what “happens” in your process. Learn more about Events.
  • Subprocesses and Call Activities allow you to add levels to the process. Learn more about Subprocesses.
  • Gateways define branches in your flow. Learn more about Gateways.

Connectors: sequence flow, message and associations

This element makes the connection between the others, and also contributes to the definition of the logic of your process.

Containers: lanes and pools

Lanes and pools define responsibilities within the process.

Data elements: data object, input, output, database

They define how data is treated and transformed during the execution of a business process.

Artifacts: Notes and Groups

These elements contribute to process documentation.

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