Archive feedback

The process portal allows your users to comment on your process documentation.

HEFLO allows your process analysts and administrators to see these comments, respond to them, and even archive them.

How to archive comments?

When collaborators post comments on a process or its elements, administrators and analysts of the relevant processes receive notifications about these new comments.


You can find these comments in two places:

In the process portal and in the process editor.

In the process portal:


In the process editor:

Go to the process editor, click on “feedback”:


Then, click on “comments and suggestions”:


You can find all comments regarding this process:


If you want to archive one of these comments so that it is no longer visible on the portal, then do the following:

Choose the comment, and click on the arrow pointing down next to the comment author’s name:


Then, click on “Archive comment”:


From then on, this comment will no longer be visible in the process portal documentation.



Where can we find archived comments?

Click on “archived comments”:


You will then find all archived comments:

To restore one of the comments, click on the arrow pointing down, near the author’s name, and choose “Unarchive comment”:

You will then find this comment in the “comments and suggestions” section. This will then be visible again in the process portal documentation.

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