You can give users who run a work item the ability to cancel it. Users with an administrator role can cancel work items from each process. This action is not allowed for those who have a user role. You can then create a specific role to authorize work item cancellation for a process selection.
To learn more about this type of configuration: Configure process authorization.
You also have the option of allowing any user who runs a work item of a particular process to cancel that process. This authorization is valid for all users who have access to the task list, regardless of their role. This will give the possibility to the user responsible for the current task of the work item to be able to cancel it.
To learn more about the roles: Roles on HEFLO.
Follow the next steps to perform this configuration:
- Open the desired process in the process editor.
- Go to the “properties” tab and to the “execution” part.
- Enable the “Allow to cancel” option.
- Enable the “Cancellation reason required” option if you want to require the user to provide the reason for canceling the work item.
From then on, when running a work item of this process, the user responsible for the current task will be able to cancel the work item. The user must then:
- Click the 3 dots icon at the top right of the work item.
- Click “Cancel”.
The user must then fill in the reason for the cancellation if the “Cancellation reason required” option is activated in the process properties. If this option is not enabled, then the user can skip this step.
For information, users who have an “administrator” role or who have a role that authorizes the cancellation of a work item are not required to fill in the reason for the cancellation.