You can configure a list of options in a text field to give the user who will perform the associated task the possibility of choosing one or more of these options. Create or edit a text field. Add the options in the “List Items” section. Click “Confirm”. Click on the […]
View forms with a visibility rule
For a form with the “Is Collection” option enabled, it is possible to identify among the forms that comprise it, those that have an associated visibility rule. In the “Visibility rule” column, an eye icon will indicate whether a visibility rule is associated with that form. Furthermore, we can access […]
Import data to update a record
You can import a file containing data to update a record in HEFLO. This method avoids creating rows of data one by one and therefore updates a record more quickly. To learn more about records: How to create a record. Follow these steps to import a file and update a […]
Configure the sender name of an automatically sent email
It is possible to set the sender name of an email sent automatically when running a process. To configure the item with this feature, follow these steps: In the Process Editor, enable process automation. Select the message sending item (task or event) and go to the “properties” tab. In the […]
Get invoices for a HEFLO subscription
Subscription directly through HEFLO This case applies if you have taken out a HEFLO subscription using the red cart icon: In this case, the user who made the purchase can retrieve the invoices concerning the subscription: You must access the “Subscriptions” page in the “Manage Environment” section. Click on this […]
Automatically send information to users who run a process
There are several functionalities to transmit information to users who act in the execution of processes. Automatically send personalized emails You can automatically send pre-configured messages to your users to send them information adapted to your needs. It is advisable to use this method for the transmission of important information […]
Notify the requester of a work item of the progress of his request
You can automatically notify the requester of a work item of the progress of his request by email. Follow the steps below to complete this configuration: Open the desired process in the process editor. Go to the “properties” tab and to the “execution” part. Activate the option “Notify requester”. From […]
Send a notification to the person responsible for a work item
You can automatically alert someone to let them know that a work item is now their responsibility. Follow the steps below to complete this configuration: Open the desired process in the process editor. Select the task for which you want to send a notification to the responsible. You can perform […]
Allow to cancel a work item
You can give users who run a work item the ability to cancel it. Users with an administrator role can cancel work items from each process. This action is not allowed for those who have a user role. You can then create a specific role to authorize work item cancellation for […]
Fill in the information concerning the requester of a work item
When a user creates a work item, by default, this user is considered to be the requester for that instance. There are some cases where the creator of a work item is not necessarily the requester of the work item. We can take the case of a work item started […]