User layout predifinition

The predefined initial layout allows you to set preconfiguration of the task list and meter widget. The goal is to be able to set a special layout configuration for each user role of your environment. This configuration allows you to define and restrict the information displayed in these widgets for […]

DocuSign on HEFLO

Sending documents for electronic signature is now available on HEFLO thanks to integration with the third-party electronic signature tool: DocuSign. This integration allows you to create, send and receive your online documents securely when executing automated processes. In this article, we will walk you through each step: from integrating the […]

Monitorize pending envelopes

You can track the status of envelope signatures using two widgets: the “Recent Items” and “Metter” widgets. Recent Items widget The recent items widget will display the last modified envelopes of production work items. To configure this widget: Create or open the page where you want to add this widget […]

Send a DocuSign document template to sign

In this article we will see how to configure a process to send a document template from DocuSign to sign. We use this example process to demonstrate this configuration: When the user creates a work item in this process, the system then sends a piece of information to DocuSign, called […]

Send a document to sign on DocuSign

In this article we will see how to configure a process to send a document to be signed on DocuSign. We use this example process to demonstrate this configuration: When the user creates a work item for this process, he must first insert the desired document(s) into a “Files Upload” […]